Terrarium Care
- Lighting: medium to bright indirect sunlight or grow light
- Water: mostly self-watering, light watering if soil is too dry or if humidity is too low
- Maintenance: remove dead or moldy leaves and prune as desired/needed
- Place your terrarium in an area with medium to bright indirect sunlight or under a grow light.
- Keep terrariums out of direct sunlight. The heat and harsh rays from the sun can easily damage or kill the plants inside the container.
- The best locations are near east- and north-facing windows. Terrariums should sit farther away from south- and west-facing windows.
- Due to being a closed container, terrariums practically water themselves. The amount of condensation in the container will tell how much moisture there is. Terrariums may appear foggy in the morning and/or at warmer times in the day.
- Constant heavy droplets on the glass, yellowing of leaves, water pooling at the bottom of the container can be signs of too much water. If this happens, leave off the container lid for a few hours and allow some of the moisture to evaporate out. Repeat if needed.
- Plants wilting, dried out leaves, dry soil, and little to no condensation can be indicators of not enough water. Lightly water with preferably distilled or rainwater to prevent buildup of minerals on container and in the soil. Add water as needed. It’s better to under water than over water.
- Prune the plants back as desired or if they grow too big for the container.
- Remove any dead or moldy leaves.
- Wipe inside and outside of container walls with a cloth or paper towel to remove dust, dirt, etc.